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The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society
Discover History

The Middlesex County Museum board of directors and members gathered at the historic courthouse in Saluda on Sunday, November 13 to hold their annual business meeting. The past year was discussed and budgets and investments revisited. Board member Bessida Cauthorne White presented information about the historic markers that have been approved or are in the process of being approved for sites (Antioch Baptist Church) and people (Butler Harris) with ties to the county. Member Jim Robusto talked about his volunteer work doing research gathering original documents pertaining to the historic Irene Morgan case. Museum director Holly Horton discussed the exhibits created during the past year and plans for 2023. After the meeting adjourned, the group moved to the museum for a wine and cheese social hour. Attendees got to see firsthand the Native American artifacts and fossils included in the exhibit in the museum annex over the past year.

Members mingle during the wine and cheese social.

Director Holly Horton shows exhibit artifact to member Helen Chandler during a discussion about museum accessions.

Members Bob Montague and Tad Thompson share ideas for future speakers while enjoying the reception.

Board member Bessida White gives details concerning Butler Harris historic marker application process.

Members listen as Board President Marilyn South discusses financials of the museum.

Members arrive at the historic courthouse for the meeting.
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