The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society
Discover History

Photo Credit Betty Hart Robertson
Hart’s Store was built by Edward Wright Hart who married Helen (Hida) Fleet in the mid to latter part of the 1800’s in Bushy (the early name for Wake.)
In 1913, a 6 foot long marble and oak soda fountain was purchased for $350. Sarsaparilla was served as the beverage of choice. An in ground ice house, insulated with saw dust was located behind the store in the woods and alongside the stream that ran behind Bradley Swamp Academy.
Merchandise for the store was delivered by steamboat to Mill Creek Wharf a short distance from the store. Mr. E. W. Hart had his horse back up the wagon by itself to load goods (page 224 “Signatures in Time”) while later, his 12 year old daughter, Elizabeth picked up the goods by driving the truck onto the wharf by herself. The store was demolished in the late 1960’s.