The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society
Discover History

Information sought on three Urbanna founders
By Nancy Fisk, Republished With Permission
This year Friends of Urbanna Museum and Parks will celebrate Urbanna Founder’s Day on Saturday, August 10, 2019 starting at 10 a.m. at the Middlesex Woman’s Club building on Virginia Street in Urbanna.
As those who attended our living history play last year may remember, the focus centered on Ralph Wormeley of Rosegill and his stubborn refusal to allow any of his land to be used to establish a town, thus delaying the birth of the town of Urbanna for nearly 20 years, to a time after his death.
This year’s presentation will be a narrative during which we will bring to life the contribution of three of the historically important “Founding Fathers” and their families as they sought to establish the town of Urbanna as a port community that would serve the needs of the plantation owners, as well as those of the other surrounding inhabitants.
Those men are Capt. Harry Beverley (1669-1730) of Brandon, the Honorable John Robinson (1683-1749), and Colonel Christopher Robinson II (16811727) of Hewick.
We will look at the driving forces behind the actions of these men and their families that caused them to take up the banner of township that was so long held down by their defiant neighbor, Ralph Wormeley.
In addition, descendants of these men and their families are especially invited to attend and be recognized. The descendants are encouraged to bring any memorabilia, stories or information about their families that they would like to share.
It is hoped the event will be like an extended family reunion joining people together in celebrating the birth of our wonderful town. Descendants who plan to attend are encouraged to contact Nancy Fisk as early as possible so that we might better organize the event.
In an effort to encourage descendant participation, we have included additional biographical information about our three main characters.
Captain Harry Beverley (16691730), son of Major Robert Beverley of Jamestown and Mary Beverley, was husband of Elizabeth Smith Beverley and father of Elizabeth Stanard, Mary Chew, Robert Beverley, Margaret Chew, Susanna Winslow, Catherine Stubblefield, Judith Roy, Peter Beverley, Agatha Robinson, Ann Beverley and Lucy Beverley. He was Justice of Middlesex County in 1700. He was surveyor of King and Queen and King William counties from 1702 to 1714. He was Burgess from 1705-1706. He surveyed and laid out the town of Tappahannock in 1706. His title of captain derives from the fact that in 1716 Governor Spotswood sent him on the sloop “Virgin” to capture pirates and Spanish gold. Unfortunately his ship and crew were captured by a Spanish manof- war. He escaped and came back to Virginia in 1717.
The honorable John Robinson (1683-1749), son of Christopher Robinson and Agatha Obert Robinson of Hewick Plantation, was husband of Catherine Beverley Robinson and father of John Robinson, William Robinson, Catherine Wagener, Henry Robinson, Colonel Beverley Robinson, Margaret Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson and Jean Robinson.
Colonel Christopher Robinson II (1681-1727), son of Christopher Robinson and Agatha Obert Robinson, of Hewick Plantation, was husband of Judith Wormeley of Rosegill. Robinson was father of Christopher Robinson III and Peter Robinson. He was Burgess of Middlesex County in 1710 and 1714.
If you are a descendant of these men and would like to attend, or can help with our committee’s historical research, please contact Nancy Fisk at