The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society
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Saluda Historic District Public Information Hearing
The Virginia Department of Historic Resources will conduct a public information hearing of the Saluda Historic District on August 10, 2020.
The meeting begins at 7 pm and will be a virtual meeting.
Details may be found on our website at
Public comment regarding the proposal will be taken at the time of the hearing or can be sent to: Director Julie Langan, Dept of Historic Resources, 2801 Kensington Ave, Richmond,VA 23221.
This proposal has been recommended eligible for the Virginia Landmarks and National Registers.
This proposal will be presented to the State Review Board and the Board of Historic Resources on September 17, 2020, at a virtual meeting.
For a copy of the proposal and/or a boundary map contact Elizabeth Lipford at or 804.482.6454.
Want to learn more about the designation of Saluda as an Historic Disctrict, see our previous article with the Saluda District Cultural and Historic Resource Survey Report.