The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society
Discover History

“Tuckahoe Plantation: What Can We Learn,” Presented by Addison Baker Thompson
The Middlesex County Museum & Historical Society is pleased to announce it will sponsor speaker Addison Baker Thompson, Resident Manager of Tuckahoe Plantation (1740), a home and working farm for nearly 300 years, as a guest speaker on Sunday, August 4 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Dozier’s Regatta Point Marina, located at 137 Neptune Lane in Deltaville.

Boyhood home of Thomas Jefferson, the plantation is considered by architectural historians to have the most complete eighteenth century plantation layout in North America.
The original schoolhouse where Thomas Jefferson began his education and the office still stands.

During this guest lecture event, learn about the features that make Tuckahoe Plantation an outstanding example of construction that has stood the test of time; the lives of those who lived there including John Marshall’s grandmother (who was born and got into trouble there); the influences of the house on Thomas Jefferson; and more about how Tuckahoe has made a large contribution to the legal landscape of preservation law.
Mr. Thompson graduated from Princeton University, cum laude in history AB in 1970, and earned his law degree from the University of Virginia in 1973. While serving as the resident manager of Tuckahoe Plantation from 1979 to present, Mr. Thompson has practiced law, served in the U.S. Naval Reserve, been a member of numerous boards, including Preservation Virginia, and is an emeritus member of the Capital Region Land Conservancy.
Tickets are $35 and include appetizers, wine and beer.

Purchase tickets online HERE, at the museum Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., or send a check (made out to Middlesex Museum) to Middlesex Museum P.O. Box 121, Saluda 23149.
Learn more about the history of Tuckahoe Plantation here.
Photos courtesy of Tuckahoe Plantation.